Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech

Centre National d’Etudes et de Recherche sur l’Eau et l’Energie
المركز الوطني للدراسات والأبحات حول الماء والطاقة


A.El Marzougui, S.Bahsine, Y.Chihab, F.Ait Nouh. Dimensionnement optimal d’un micro-réseau.  Congrès National De La Physique Fondamentale Et Physique Appliquée –  NCFPAP, SAFI, MAROC, 18-19 Mars 2022

A.El Berkaoui, S.Bahsine, Y.Chihab, F.Ait Nouh. Gestion de la consommation d’énergie électrique : Optimisation de l’architecture des réseaux de distribution d’énergie électrique.  Congrès National De La Physique Fondamentale Et Physique Appliquée –  NCFPAP, SAFI, MAROC, 18-19 Mars 2022

C.Lachguer, F.Ait Nouh, S.Bahsine (2022). Experimental performance of a desalination system based on a solar energy: Scheffler parabola. 6th Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Materials and Renewable Energies(EMCMRE) MARRAKECH ,MAROC, 27-30 JUIN 2022

C.Lachguer, F.Ait Nouh, S.Bahsine (2022). Dessalement de l’eau par utilisation de l’énergie solaire: parabole Scheffler, Congrès National De La Physique Fondamentale Et Physique Appliquée –  NCFPAP, SAFI, MAROC, 18-19 Mars 2022

K.Sbihi, K.Aziz and F.Aziz Evaluation of toxicity and biosorption for the removal of hexavalent chromium using freshwater microalgae. The 12th International Council of Environmental Engineering Education (ICEEE): “Global Environmental Development & Sustainability: Research, Engineering & Management”. 18-19th of November, 2021, Óbuda University Budapest, Hungary. Orale.

K.Sbihi, S.El Hamji, S.Lghoul, S.Bakrim and F.Aziz. Evaluation of freshwater diatom Craticula subminuscula extracts as potential source of antimicrobial compounds. 3rd International Scientific Day of Taroudannt  Theme:  Research and Innovation,  May 14, 2022  Polydisciplinaire  Faculty  of Taroudant, University Ibn Zohr, Morocco. Orale.

K.Sbihi, S.El Hamji, S.Lghoul, K.Aziz, N.EL BARAKA and F.Aziz.  Potential of local freshwater microalgae Craticula subminuscula for hexavalent chromium removals: ‎Tolerance, optimization, kinetics and isotherm studies. VIth International Symposium on “Biosphere & Environmental Safety”. May 5th and 6th, 2022 at Óbuda University, Budapest – Hungary. Orale.

R.Benaddi, F.Aziz, K.El Harfi, N.Ouazzani, Column Adsorption Studies of Phenolic Compounds on Nanoparticles Synthesized from Moroccan Phosphate Rock, Sustainable Energy-Water-Environment Nexus in Deserts pp 115-120, 26 april 2022..

S.El Hamji, K.Sbihi, J.Elleuch, N.Ouazzani, I.Fendri, S.Abdelkafi, B.Oudra, F.Aziz, Toxicity and removal of phenolic compounds by the freshwater diatom Craticula subminuscula, VIth International Symposium-2022 “Biosphere & Environmental Safety”, 5-6 May 2022, Budapest, Hungary.

N.Zrikam, L.Ouahmane And F.Aziz, Mycorrhization of aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) seedlings by inoculation with three different ectomycorrhizae species, VIth International Symposium-2022 “Biosphere & Environmental Safety”, 5-6 May 2022, Budapest, Hungary.

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