Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech

Centre National d’Etudes et de Recherche sur l’Eau et l’Energie
المركز الوطني للدراسات والأبحات حول الماء والطاقة

Laboratoire Eau

F.Aziz, N.Ouazzani, L.Mandi, M.Muhammad, A.Uheida. 2017.Composite nanofibers of polyacrylonitrile/natural clay for decontamination of water containing Pb (II), Cu (II), Zn (II) and pesticides, Separation Science and Technology 52 (1), 58-70. DOI: 10.1080/01496395.2016.1231692

A.Faissal, N.Ouazzani, J.R.Parrado, M.Dary, H.Manyani, B.R.Morgado. 2017.  Impact of fertilization by natural manure on the microbial quality of soil: Molecular approach. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 24 (6) 1437-1443. doi: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2017.01.005

F.Aziz, J.P.Rubio, N.Ouazzani, M.Dary, H.Manyani, B.R.Morgado, L. Mandi. 2017. Sanitary impact evaluation of drinking water in storage reservoirs in Moroccan rural area, Saudi journal of biological sciences 24 (4), 767-777.doi: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2016.01.034

F.Zouhir, C.Keffala, H.Haddani, N.Ouazzani, L.Mandi, JL Vasel. 2017. Determination of oxygen transfer coefficients in HRAP for the two aeration systems: airlift and paddle wheel. Desalination and Water Treatment 85 (2017) 63–67.Doi : 10.5004/dwt.2017.21111

T.El Moussaoui, S.Wahbi, L.Mandi, S.Masi, N.Ouazzani.2017. Reuse study of sustainable wastewater in agroforestry domain of Marrakesh city. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences 18(3) , DOI: 10.1016/j.jssas.2017.08.004

T.El Moussaoui, Y.Jaouad, L.Mandi, B.Marrot, N.Ouazzani .2017. Biomass behaviour in a conventional activated sludge system treating olive mill wastewater. Environmental Technology. Environmental Technology 39(2):1-38 , DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2017.1296899

A.Errich, S.El Hajjaji, L.Mandi, M.Fekhaoui, B.Rezzouki, S.Jodeh, K.Azzaoui , A.Lamhamdi, O. Hamed, R.Salghi, A.R. Hasan, G.Hanbali.2016. Impact of wastewater on the physico-chemical quality of water sources in bed of oued Essaquia Elhamra in South of Morocco. International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM), 5(9), 249-261.

K.Lamzouri, M.Mahi, S.Ouatar, E.Bartali, T.Masunaga, L.Latrach, L.Mandi.  2016. Application of Multi-soil-layering technique for wastewater treatment in Moroccan rural areas: study of the operation process for an engineering design. Journal of Materials and Environmental Science. 7 (2) (2016) 579-585 (ISSN: 2028-2508).

M.Ouhammou, L.Lahnine, S.Mghazli, N.Hidar, M.Bouchdougc, A.Jaouad, A.Hejjaj, L.Mandi, M. Mahrouz. 2016. Green chemistry for treatment of liquid discharges from a dyeing industry: bio coagulation and flocculation. Moroccan Journal of Chemistry .4 (3), 684-694

Y.Jaouad, M.Villain, N.Ouazzani, L.Mandi, B.Marrot. 2016. Biodegradation of olive mill wastewater in a membrane bioreactor: acclimation of the biomass and constraints. Desalination and Water Treatment, 57 (18), 8109-8118, 2016 , https://doi.org/10.1080/19443994.2015.1025435

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